Working with Sure
We are proud of our diverse supplier base which is why we work hard at treating our Suppliers with respect and ensure fair engagement.
Sourcing the right suppliers to become our partners is key to Sure so that we remain as nimble as we can be, while not compromising on quality or safety. Keeping our supply chain tight reduces risk in an ever changing digital world.
Basic Supplier information
All Invoices should be sent to our central email address
Invoices are paid within our standard payment terms of 45 days, unless negotiated differently. You can also use this email address for any invoice or payment enquiries.
Should you wish to contact the Procurement team please email us at
A member of our team will respond within 5 working days.
Please note, suppliers are not automatically added as we are careful not to overload our supply chain with large numbers of the same supplier base.
Sure run a number of procurement pricing practices these include:
- Request for information
- Request for Pricing
- Benchmark tendering
- Scoping documents
- Waivers of competition
Corporate Governance is a large part of what we do, and this ensures fair competitive tendering for all suppliers. If you would like more information about our procurement process or how to become a supplier, then please contact the Procurement team on the following email address:
Emails will be responded to within 5 working days. Suppliers should be aware that we do not automatically add everyone and a careful selection process is in place. This ensures that we do not duplicate efforts, but also ensures we keep a nimble supplier base.