Binge bigger with unlimited data on the MySure App!


Don't worry about running out of data when you’re surfing the net or streaming the latest films and music on your device. Browse, watch, listen and play to your hearts content with unlimited data when you top up from just £5 with My Sure or the MySure App.

Download the MySure App from the App Store or Google Play.



How to top up

If you’re not an existing Pay As You Go customer, pick up a SIM from our shop or one of our dealer outlets.

Once you've got your SIM just follow these simple steps:

  1. Register for MySure, by entering your mobile number here and we’ll text you a unique code for sign up
  2. Download the MySure App via the App Store or Google Play link below and top up!

If you are on PAYG Classic, you'll need to change to PAYG Rewards to get unlimited data. To do this text "REWARDS" to 8888.

*Available on the Pay As You Go Rewards plan only. Ts&Cs apply. †CICRA Telecoms Customer Satisfaction (conducted June/July 2018) – ‘Satisfaction with reception & network’: 93% Sure (175 customers), 82% JT (45), 81% Airtel (43). ††CICRA Telecoms Customer Satisfaction (conducted June/July 2018) – ‘Overall Satisfaction’: 88% Sure (175 customers), 84% Airtel (43), 78% JT (45). **Available on Android and iOS.